Avocado Tree


Avocado Tree awakens love, self love, and self worth, transforming inner beauty into external beauty, balances male and female energies and dualities. It teaches discernment between love and lust.

Avocado Tree Essence teaches you to find very specific conditions to work in; to focus and seek guidance and help for your specific needs; to realize that true beauty comes from within and is measured by the contents of our minds, hearts, and soul; to examine what you are ingesting physically, emotionally and spiritually; and to find what works best for you and how to create that reality. It can awaken a feisty trickster personality, requiring you to stay balanced and be guided by love. The Avocado Tree totem has a gentle and nurturing side too. It encourages balance between seemingly opposite traits. It makes sense of life’s paradoxes by grasping the balance between all aspects of your personality. Contact this totem by sitting in a mindful way. In addition, the fruit of this tree helps your skin and hair stay healthy.

To Use the Energized Oils

Open the little bottle & put the smallest amount of the oil on your finger! One drop is enough for 11 people!! Anoint yourself on your forehead, throat, heart & top of your head! Or anoint yourself as you are guided! After anointing yourself close your eyes & follow the oil’s energy down inn to your heart! Sit in your heart space for a minute or as long as you like! Keep dated notes and review each time you work with an oil.

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