

Essence of Bat teaches you to grow and become your envisioned future by focusing on moving forward and staying balanced in the PRESENT.

Bat awakens your ability to perceive a significant omen of change in your life and to adapt to any situation you find yourself inn. Bat teaches you to pay attention to the signs whether they are physical, mental, emotional or spiritual in nature; to be highly sensitive to and extremely aware of your surroundings; to see through illusions; to dive straight into the heart of matters; to develop your extra sensory communications skills; to draw inspiration from your dream about aspects of your life containing past lives’ unrealized potential; to let go of old habits; to evaluate your current path inn relation to its compatibility with your new growth and understanding of how to fulfill your life purpose; and to be with the facts inn silence. Bat supports you to follow through on new ideas, hunches, and emotions that you might not fully understand, and to know the universe will make every attempt to make change as easy as possible for all involved if you embrace change. Bat continuously reminds you to pursue your spiritual growth by letting go of ego, renewing thoughts and beliefs on a regular basis, doing inner work, loving your enemies, and nurturing personal growth. When working with Bat Essence, Bat Essence will reveal parts of you that no longer serve your higher calling for you to invite those parts to surrender to the Unconditional Love that those parts truly are.

To Use the Energized Oils

Open the little bottle & put the smallest amount of the oil on your finger! One drop is enough for 11 people!! Anoint yourself on your forehead, throat, heart & top of your head! Or anoint yourself as you are guided! After anointing yourself close your eyes & follow the oil’s energy down inn to your heart! Sit in your heart space for a minute or as long as you like! Keep dated notes and review each time you work with an oil.

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