

Bobcat essence is all about patience. Bobcat awakens to exercise a strategy of being stealthlike while wielding a great deal of patience in your excursions.

Bobcat teaches you clarity in order to get what you want. This involves you being willing to plan, adapt, and above all, have the patience to see your ideals manifest. Bobcat reminds you to be fully aware and mindful, to extend your respect, love and consideration to others. Bobcat’s teaching highlights a sign when it is time to step back from the company of certain people in your life. It teaches you to recognize when it is time to have some solitary time to reflect and regain your energy. The bobcat intrinsically knows when it is time to take a break away from the public eye. Bobcat teaches you to be more playful and flexible. Bobcat is an opportunistic teacher teaching you when and where to reach out for more opportunities to break out of the box and routines. Bobcat teaches you about creation and developing your abilities into a higher level of value. The amazement in bobcat essence is bringing to light the unseen and silent aspects of your innermost self that normally goes unaddressed because it is unrecognized. It teaches you to delve deep into your heart and mind to shed light on all blocks to your potential. It ignites the present to unleash your hidden desires, unlocking your inner secret wisdom and talents. The bobcat is a very advanced teacher that philosophically sort things out on a higher level of intellect. It explains what is behind resentful feelings of isolation and having to learn tough lessons on your own.

To Use the Energized Oils

Open the little bottle & put the smallest amount of the oil on your finger! One drop is enough for 11 people!! Anoint yourself on your forehead, throat, heart & top of your head! Or anoint yourself as you are guided! After anointing yourself close your eyes & follow the oil’s energy down inn to your heart! Sit in your heart space for a minute or as long as you like! Keep dated notes and review each time you work with an oil.

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