Crab (Jia)


Essence of Crab teaches when and under what circumstances you can cast off layers of protection that have completed their purpose, revealing the perfect time for another period of transformation and regeneration. This energy can be thought of as a rebirth/recycling.

Crab energy is a cyclical nature of life. It supports your prosperity and success while teaching you to view your high status as ordinary. It teaches you when to proceed forward while avoiding a head-on route; when to move forward with a “sideways tap-dance,” when sometimes the best paths are direct and not forthcoming in their meaning; when to relax and move in the waves of wellbeing; and when you go with the natural flow of things, the need to defend yourself dissolves. Crab gives guidance in an unorthodox way, using lesser known paths of least resistance in order to bring you clarity. It reminds you to live within the diversity of this world with the preparedness of a warrior (wearing armor). It helps you realize you are divinely cared for.

To Use the Energized Oils

Open the little bottle & put the smallest amount of the oil on your finger! One drop is enough for 11 people!! Anoint yourself on your forehead, throat, heart & top of your head! Or anoint yourself as you are guided! After anointing yourself close your eyes & follow the oil’s energy down inn to your heart! Sit in your heart space for a minute or as long as you like! Keep dated notes and review each time you work with an oil.

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