Mango Tree


Mango Tree Essence awakens deep love in the heart. It guides you to kingly prosperity and happiness. It awakens the ability to bring stress into balance.

Mango awakens your aura and hope for true spiritual realization when you are in alignment with nature. A Mango tree practice is to address the mango tree by the name “Mangi-Fera” and use the mantra “Ya batin” during meditation. Because of the high content of iron in Mango, it helps build the blood, helping with anemia. It’s also beneficial to women during pregnancy and menstruation. The potassium and magnesium content of mango may help to relax muscle cramps and balance acidosis. The potassium content can support heart imbalances.

To Use the Energized Oils

Open the little bottle & put the smallest amount of the oil on your finger! One drop is enough for 11 people!! Anoint yourself on your forehead, throat, heart & top of your head! Or anoint yourself as you are guided! After anointing yourself close your eyes & follow the oil’s energy down inn to your heart! Sit in your heart space for a minute or as long as you like! Keep dated notes and review each time you work with an oil.

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