Meet the Founder

Welcome to Anu Alchemy. Dr. Ron Holman’s Siddha Energy oils are a culmination of years of spiritual experience and exploration which began in the early 1990’s searching for a cure for his first wife Linda who was sent home from the hospital in 1986 to prepare to die. . .

Ron Holman PhD. traveled to sacred sites in India, Peru and China numerous times where he was given sacred knowledge, frequencies & maps to create Quantum Morphogenetic Energies all derived from the consciousness of Love. Ron Holman PhD., (later referred to as SiddhaRon) while meditating In the presence of powerful energy portals, began experiencing downloads of visualizations, formulas with auditory guidance. SiddhaRon and Tison, his beloved wife began envisioning and creating the business Anu Alchemy together.

SiddhaRon’s Alchemy creates potent energetic oils infused with divine loving frequencies that make it possible for others to experience and receive the loving blessings of the Siddhas without having to physically travel to these sacred sites.

Story From SiddhaRon The Founder

Dr. Ron Holman, also know as SiddhaRon, is the visionary behind Anu Alchemy. His journey, starting in the 1990s while seeking a cure for his wife Linda, led him to sacred sites worldwide. He had a heart-felt desire to discover and learn healing outside of the medical box that could restore the health of his life partner, Linda. Linda lived 29 years longer than the doctors at UCLA liver transplant unit said was possible.

He absorbed hundreds of books on healing, while studying the use of gemstones, crystals & herbs in pursuit of the secret of their healing energy. In 1995, before his first pilgrimage to India, he stopped to give a homeless woman some money. Out of her eyes came a laser beam of light that dissolved a $10 bill in his hand, and then he and the woman dissolved into light. He then, experienced teleportation in his car onto the freeway and wept in the most intense humility and joy for the next week.

Dr. Ron met his first Immortal Maha Siddha in 2011.This encounter brought him to the Siddha Bogar, teacher of Babaji, who asked Ron to bring their Siddha energetic medicine to his friends in the West.

Ron was clear and inspired and humbly agreed. Following the guidance coming from the Immortals and using Navapashanam to formulate what are now the Anu Alchemy collections of Siddha energetic oils, the gift of the Siddha’s consciousness has given him more highly developed abilities and empowerments. Ron now co-creates his life with greater love, prosperity and joy while helping more people and live a more fulfilling life. Dr. Ron also owns and operates The Holman Group that manages Mental Health Insurance Companies, intending to bring the understanding that Health is a Balance of Mind, Body, & Spirit to corporate health care.

SiddhaRon has been steeped in the sacred path of the Maha Siddha whose journeys into the light are beyond enlightenment. The sacred Jeeves Samadhi sites of the Maha Siddha emit the vibration of a journey into light, leaving energetic clues for us to follow them. The vibrations of one whose physical body dissolved into light while alive vary from one Maha Siddha to another and from moment to moment, as the cosmic “mind” of the ascended masters grants us perceptual experiences to enjoy.

His most recent pilgrimage to Nepal opened SiddhaRon up beyond his comprehension! He is practicing “Being” without “Doing.” Through these experiences, SiddhaRon received sacred knowledge and frequencies, which he transformed into Quantum Morphogenetic Energies rooted in love. Alongside his wife Tison, they birthed Anu Alchemy, offering potent energetic oils infused with divine loving frequencies, enabling others to access the blessings of the Siddhas without physical travel to sacred sites.”