Vibrational Description
Neutrality Plasma teaches One to Be Free which is the Truth of BEING-NESS.
This Plasma Shows the Anointed One how to STEP into an Infinite State of Curious Impartial Allowing of ‘Blissful Ecstasy’!
This Plasma Ignites the Arising of Neutrality through a Willingness to ‘Surrender’ Ones Ego Need to ‘Be Right’. Surrendered Neutrality is a State Free from Being Charged in the Face of Another’s Ego.
This Plasma Ignited a State of Observation beyond the Egos Ability to form an Opinion to Support or Reject a ‘set of circumstances’.
This Plasma Facilitates Neutrality Being Infused Inn to Ones Pre-Decided Views about how Life should Be! About how people ‘should’ act etc.
This Plasma Facilitates Neutrality Being Infused Inn to Ones Acquired Perceptions of the meaning of Expressions. This Plasma Facilitates Neutrality Being Infused Inn to Strong Unconscious Emotions acquired Inn Present & Past Lives.
This Plasma teaches One to Be Free, a State beyond the Ego’s participation!
This Plasma teaches One to Recognize Freedom. Freedom allows One to Rise Above a Collision of ‘unresolved emotions tied to a particular circumstance’ that Ignites the Ego’s Desperate Need to be right!
This Plasma helps One to see Beyond the circumstances & beyond what happened instead of experiencing circumstances in relation to expectations from cultural loading, beliefs and desires. This Plasma Ignites Clarity and Eliminates the Obstacles from the Ego.
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