Vibrational Description
Ignites a Feeling or Deep Pleasure or Satisfaction Derived from One’s Own Achievement. This can be as simple yet profound of taking a birth or ‘Walking-Inn’, to this Planet. This Plasma Brings into the Awareness of the One Anointed the ability to take Pride in Simple, Small, Medium or Large Achievements. This Plasma Awakens an Inwardly Directed Emotion that carries two antithetical understandings.
First: Teaches One to Recognize a negative connotation as One witnessed a foolishly and irrationally corrupt sense of one’s personal value. Second: Teaches One to Be Humble and Content toward One’s Own or Another’s accomplishments and actions!
When Pride is virtue, One Stands Humbly in One’s Abilities; this is known as virtuous pride or a greatness of soul. When Pride is a vice it is self-idolatry, sadistic contempt, vanity or vainglory.
This Plasma Teaches One to Be Humble in the face of praise, through Independent self-reflection that Ignites a Fulfilled Feeling of Belonging. This Plasma Ignites the Development of a Sense of self and the Mastery of Relevant Conceptual Distinctions (e.g., that pride is distinct from happiness and joy) through language-based interaction with others. This allows One to signal a nonverbal expression of pride as a means of sending a functional, automatically perception of a kind of Mastery!
Daily Meditation Required: Anoint “on heart center” before Meditating alone or w Others & Meditate for 2-5 min!
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