Vibrational Description
Smashan Tara can burns away all karmas from the casual body and frees those that work with her from the bondage of life and death. In her compassionate and terrifying form, she shows us the dual nature of this world.
Catching a glimpse of Smashan Tara, One might even die of shock? She is very tall, and Her skin is a beautiful deep midnight-blue color. Her eyes are filled w compassion and tenderness!
Smashan Tara appears Only to protects in the most difficult of circumstances. Smashan Tara has the extraordinary power of rescuing those that Love her from death and all suffering! Smashan Tara is said to be born from a lotus in an ocean of tears of sympathy for all. This Siddha Oil Awakens One to the Cry of Suffering Revealing the Essence of Compassion. One That is Anointed w this Siddha Oil is praying to the Goddess Smashan Tara to grasp “me” with the iron hook of your compassion.
Daily Meditation Required: Anoint “on heart center” before Meditating alone or w Others & Meditate for 2-5 min!
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