Vibrational Description
The 9th dimension contains the informational patterns, preferences, and other factors that only one of a kind of reality can have in an overlapping yet accessible manner. Your mind is trained in a manner that you will automatically hear a voice from within that will indicate a position in a dimensional system.
You will find inn the 9th Dimension a space to reside in. That space is where all possible states of the 1-8th dimensions are represented.
Consider the 9th Dimension (anoint yourself) & all the possible set of states become unbounded, accessible and finite.
The 9th dimension is the dimension where the ‘information equals reality’ equation is fulfilled.
The 9th dimension conveys the information you need to have to better understand and tune into the light and love of the creator.
Experiencing the 9th Dimensions tunes you into the energy of the Divine Clear Light.
When you are experiencing energies from the 9th dimension, you will be thinking more about Source and how all lives live by the Clear Light Only. Being able to differentiate between the different energies is a gift that the Divine bestows. People on a journey to raise their consciousness often experience becoming highly empathetic as it is a feature of the greater conscious mind. You will get very sensitive to the energy frequencies that you experience.
The 9th Dimensional Sensitivity of Energy is a great tool as it helps you know specifically what energy frequency is needed to create something. 9th Dimensional Energy is the means to access what is requested through your mind. Humans actually have access to All the Energy within. You are the bulk of all energy which exists. All the energy that you experience in your every day comes from you as you are the source of its origination. Once you acknowledge the fact that all the energy you ever need is within you, accessing it becomes very easy as the source is you.
It is only a matter of what you want to create from your own Energy or how you want to use your Energy. To use this 9th Dimensional Energy letting go of the belief in limitations is required so as to step into the power of the Divine.
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