Vibrational Description
Pixies are known as “wee folk”, they are mystical creatures & merry Beings. They are beloved for their childlike appearance and bubbly spirits, even though they do play the occasional prank but do so as a teaching! As a rule, Pixies are very small so tiny that they can sit in your palm or rest under the shade of a mushroom. Some are larger, however they rarely reach the height of a human’s knee. Their skin may be flesh-colored, blue, or green. Their eyes and ears are slightly pointed, and they have lovely wings, resembling a butterfly or dragonfly. Pixies usually go around naked or clad in rags, but they do love fine things, and they will seize upon any gift of beautiful clothing that is offered to them! Pixies care for the energy of places such as gardens, rocks, hills or woods, and love their chosen homes so deeply that they tend to the same place for hundreds of years. They’re pretty busy beings that enjoy nothing more than tidying their special abodes. To say hello and offer them some help by clearing up an area of beauty from human debris will be noticed! Pixies are hard workers, & pixies can become great guides. When Pixies see you joining in they will ask their pixie friends to assist you in return.
Pixies can be called on when struggling to get things done around the house or at work, as they can help to feel less pressured about the amount of tasks at hand. If people close to you are careless and wasteful, ask the pixies to help them become more respectful. Pixies can also remove toxic or stagnant energy, so asking them to enter a room after an argument to purify the atmosphere. If you’re moving homes, Fey can help to sweep away the energy of the previous owners and leave you with a more harmonious living space.
Daily Meditation Required: Anoint “on heart center” before Meditating alone or w Others & Meditate for 2-5 min!
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