Vibrational Description
At this Time Inn a life many knew & wonderful things are coming together! Old Patterns are Upgraded! Please Find in the Energy of this Exquisite Essence an Equalizing Power to “Open” One Up as there is the Power to “Close” One Down with the Bone crushing force of an Alligator! The Need to Close Down to Protect Ones Sweet Little Childs Heart is Brought to a New Conditioned Response. This Essence Teaches One to Shed Old Conditioning like a Snake sheds a layer of its skin naturally, with very little effort and painlessly. National & Cultural Beliefs & Conditioning Carry Depleting Patterns that Succumb to a Light Saber Cutting In the Stillness of Ones Heart of Hearts!
Daily Meditation Required: Anoint “on heart center” before Meditating alone or w Others & Meditate for 2-5 min!
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