Vibrational Description
This Plasma connects Intuitively “Past-Present-Future” energies for the purposes of “rounding up” as in acquiring loose ends of experiential information for a soul living inn a body!. This Plasma facilitated the integration & the balancing of a present-day ability as it rounds up! This plasma is known to carry Arcturian Energy. It can move mountains as mole hills!
Skip Tracing is the action or practice of connecting, locating peoples, civilizations, species past & present across timelines bringing inn to conscious understanding of Gods Clear Light as Expressed. Those that have left physical & or energetic records, writings, carvings, the One using skip tracer plasma, this One’s connection to those records receives a caught teaching awakening! This One acquires an expanded practical esoteric understanding of the capabilities of & from the makers of those records. Investigating ‘through time’!
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